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Single phase PV system operating under Partially Shaded Conditions with ABC-PO as MPPT algorithm for grid connected applications

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Elsevier

Source : Energy reports

Url :

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Year : 2020

Abstract : Single phase transformerless grid connected Photovoltaic (PV) systems have become prevalent in recent years because of the reduced size & volume and enhanced working efficacy. A single phase two stage grid connected PV system is successfully implemented under Partially Shaded Condition (PSC), Standard Test Conditions (STC) and load variations in this work. The first stage includes the use of a MPPT controller-based DC–DC boost converter. Artificial Bee Colony integrated Perturb & Observe (ABC-PO) MPPT algorithm is used to obtain maximum power from the photovoltaic module. ABC-PO is capable of tracking Global Maximum Power Peak (GMPP) even under PSC. A DC–AC inverter along with LC filter and Phase Locked Loop (PLL) is used in the second stage to synchronize with the grid. A small scale grid connected solar power generation system with a maximum capacity of 1kW power output has been considered for analysis. The simulation results validate the efficient maximum power point tracking characteristics of ABC-PO algorithm over ABC algorithm for a grid connected network. Moreover, the successful synchronization of grid current with grid voltage under variations in irradiance as well as load has been carried out. The result shows the satisfactory performance of the entire system.

Cite this Research Publication : Deepthi Pilakkat, S. Kanthalakshmi, “Single phase PV system operating under Partially Shaded Conditions with ABC-PO as MPPT algorithm for grid connected applications”, Energy reports,vol.6, pp.1910-1921,2020.

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