Unit 1
Structural Dynamics
Introduction to dynamic – Need for structural dynamics – Degrees of Freedom – Damping – Equations of Motion – Single Degree of Freedom system – Free vibration response of undamped and damped system – Forced vibration response (Harmonic loading) – Response to Impulse – Duhamel Intergral – Multi Degree of Freedom system – Equation of Motion – Free vibration response – Orthogonality – Forced vibration response – Direct Integration Techniques (Newmark gamma – beta method) – Hands-on: Program to estimate response of a building for a given ground motion.
Unit 2
Earthquake Engineering
Engineering Seismimology – Earthquakes and Ground motion – Seismic waves –History of Seismic Design – Idealization of Buildings – Response Spectra – Design Spectra – Move to Lateral Displacement – Estimating Displacement Demand – Performance-based design – Resilience-based Design
Unit 3
Code Provisions
Basics of Capacity Design – Failure Mechanism – Provisions of IS 1893 part 1 (2016) to estimate lateral force demand on buildings – Equivalent Static Method and Dynamic Method – Provisions of IS 13920 (2016) – Introduction to seismic retrofit of buildings
Objectives and Outcomes
Prerequisite(s): 23CIEXXX Structural Analysis II, 23CIEXXX Basic Reinforced Concrete Design
Course Objectives
To explain basic concepts related to dynamics of single degree of freedom systems
To explain basic concepts related to dynamics of multiple degree of freedom systems
To introduce code provisions to estimate seismic demand as per relevant code
To explain provisions related to seismic design of buildings as per relevant code
Course Outcome
CO1: Explain the importance of structural dynamics with basic terminology
CO2: Assess and analyse the single DOF and 2 DOF structures and its responses
CO3: Understand the development of seismic design and engineering seismology
CO4: Understand the concept of analysis and design of earthquake resistant simple framed structures.
CO-PO Mapping
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PO12 |
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Text Books / References
Mario Paz,“Structural Dynamics”, Spinger, 2007
Pankaj Agarwal and Manish Shrikhande, “Earthquake ResistantDesignofStructures”,PHI Learning, 2009
Reference book(s)
Anil K Chopra,“Dynamics of Structures: Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering”,Pearson Education, 2008
Duggal SK, “Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”, Oxford University Press, 2013
IS1893(1) 2016, Criteria for Earthquake Resistant structures General Provisions and Buildings
IS15988 (2013), Seismic Evaluation and Strengthening of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings — Guidelines
IS 13920 (2016), Ductile Design and Detailing of RC Structures subject to Seismic Forces –Code of Practice