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A novel improved honey bee based load balancing technique in cloud computing environment

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Asian Journal of Information Technology

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science

Year : 2016

Abstract : To come up with an effective load balancing algorithm in cloud environment which provides sharing the available resources systematically across the network. In this research, an optimized dynamic algorithm is proposed where it makes use of the concept of Honeybee algorithm which is categorized under the dynamic load balancing category. The proposed algorithm provides better makespan which is one of the main features in load balancing.The proposed algorithm is simulated using two simulators namely cloudsim and workflow. Somewhere, it compares both the dependent as well as independent nature of tasks. The main goal of load balancing algorithms in clouds is to reduce the makespan. Here, the algorithm performs with a reduced makespan for both type of tasks. Due to the heterogeneity behaviour of cloud, dynamic algorithms work better when compared to the static methods. The proposed algorithm is dynamic in nature and provides reduced makespan and it uses the resources efficiently. Our future research is based on proposing algorithm considering the other QS factorsof load balancing for both in dependent and independent nature of tasks.

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