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Course Detail

Course Name Engineering Physics B
Course Code 23PHY106
Program B. Tech. in Civil Engineering
Semester 1
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore


Classical Mechanics: Review of Newton’s third law and Free Body diagrams. Rigid body dynamics: Centre of mass. Moment of inertia. Torque, angular momentum, and angular acceleration. Work, power, and energy. Conservation of momentum. Conservation of energy. Elastic and inelastic collisions. Circular motion: Radial and tangential forces. Centripetal acceleration and centripetal force. (15 Lectures)

Fundamentals of Wave optics: Theory of superposition -Qualitative: Superposition of two and many Wave trains of the Same Frequency and random phase, Vector addition of amplitudes, Fresnel and Fraunhofer Diffraction – Diffraction by a single and double Slit, intensity variation in single and double slit interference, Effect of increasing the number of Slits(Grating), Intensity distribution from an Ideal grating. Resolving power of grating and grating spectra. Principles of interferometry- Theory of Michelson’s Interferometer and its applications.(15 Lectures)

Quantum mechanics: Wave function, Probability density, expectation values – Schrodinger equation – time dependent and independent, Linearity and superposition, expectation values, operators, Eigen functions and Eigen values. Application of 1D Schrodinger Wave equation: Free particle, Particle in a box, Finite potential well- Essentials of semiconducting materials (15 Lectures)

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objective: to expose the essentials of Newtonian mechanics, Wave optics and elemental Quantum Mechanics to the Engineering students to enable them to apply in their engineering applications.


CO1: To apply the principles of Newtonian mechanics to engineering problems

CO2: To understand the fundamentals of wave optics and it’s applications in engineering

CO2: To understand the essentials of Quantum mechanics and apply it to simple applications

Text Books / References


  1. Richard Wolfson, “Essential University Physics”, Vols. 1 and 2. Pearson Education, Singapore, 2011.
  2. Halliday D., Resnick R. and Walker J., “Fundamentals of Physics”, Wiley Publications, 2008.
  3. Francis A. Jenkins, Harvey E.White, “Fundamentals Of Optics” Forth edition- McGraw-Hill Publications.
  4. Beiser A., “Concepts of modern physics”, McGraw-Hill India, 2006.

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