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Jugaad to Innovate Faster, Cheaper and Better – A Case Study

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source :

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Business

Year : 2023

Abstract : Jugaad innovation is a concept that originated in India and refers to frugal innovation, i.e., finding creative and low-cost solutions to complex problems. Jugaad innovation is now gaining global recognition as a model for innovation in resource-constrained environments. The term "jugaad" comes from Hindi and means "an improvised solution born from ingenuity and resourcefulness." This case will explore the concept of jugaad innovation, its principles, and applications in the context of an SME, Conway Water Purifiers Pvt Ltd, India. It will also discuss the challenges and opportunities of implementing jugaad innovation in an SME during the time of the pandemic.

Cite this Research Publication : S Kavitha, Nair AKS (2023), Jugaad to Innovate Faster, Cheaper and Better - A Case Study, the Case Centre

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