Publication Type : Conference Proceedings
Publisher : IOP Conference Series : Materials Science and Engineering
Source : IOP Conference Series : Materials Science and Engineering, 2018
Url :
Campus : Chennai
School : School of Engineering
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Year : 2018
Abstract : This paper presents design, development and different optimal control strategies for a spiral, shape memory alloy (SMA) actuators for robotics applications. The actuator material used is thermally activated Ni-Ti SMA which exhibits high torque capacity. SMA based actuators are widely used in robotics applications because of their large energy density and super-elasticity. Here describe the multi-direction movement of soft robot based on SMA actuators. To controlling precise position in minimum time for SMA actuator suitable controller require. Here we investigated the different ideal controlling method for design soft robot model. The Control strategies for soft robot developed using Matlab Simulink; here we investigate P, PI, PD and PID types of controller. For real-time controller implementation we compare the controller responses with respect to the desired set point of operating robot. Thus, we can identify the PID controller is suitable for real-time designing the soft robot model depending upon different controlling responses and least 3.47 integrate absolute error (IAE) and 2.119 integrate square error (ISE).
Cite this Research Publication : Patil, R., Patra, N., Sharma, A., Kavitha, P., A. Palani, I. “Design and Development of Peristaltic Soft Robot Using Shape Memory Alloy Actuators with different control strategies”, IOP Conference Series : Materials Science and Engineering, 2018