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Philadelphia-Chromosome Positive Thrombocythemia in a Child

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Wiley

Source : Hematology

Url :

Campus : Faridabad

School : School of Medicine

Year : 2005

Abstract : Philadelphia-chromosome positive thrombocythemia without features of chronic myeloid leukemia in peripheral blood has been described in adults. It is rare in children. We present a case of Philadelphia positive thrombocythemia in a child who was managed with a combination of imatinib and hydroxyurea. Although a reduction in the BCR-ABL transcript was documented, the thrombocytosis was refractory to imatinib alone and required the addition of hydroxyurea.

Cite this Research Publication : Mishra, Pravas, M. Mahapatra, Rajat Kumar, Ashish Dixit, Tathagat Chatterjee, Seema Tyagi, D. R. Choudhry, S. Sazawal, and V. P. Choudhry. "Philadelphia‐chromosome positive thrombocythemia in a child." European journal of haematology 75, no. 3 (2005): 262-263.

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