Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Springer
Source : Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
Url :
Campus : Faridabad
Center : Amrita Research Center Delhi
Year : 2024
Abstract : Cancer due to its heterogeneous nature and large prevalence has tremendous socioeconomic impacts on populations across the world. Therefore, it is crucial to discover effective panels of biomarkers for diagnosing cancer at an early stage. Cancer leads to alterations in cell growth and differentiation at the molecular level, some of which are very unique. Therefore, comprehending these alterations can aid in a better understanding of the disease pathology and identification of the biomolecules that can serve as effective biomarkers for cancer diagnosis. Metabolites, among other biomolecules of interest, play a key role in the pathophysiology of cancer whose levels are significantly altered while ‘reprogramming the energy metabolism’, a cellular condition favored in cancer cells which is one of the hallmarks of cancer. Metabolomics, an emerging omics technology has tremendous potential to contribute towards the goal of investigating cancer metabolites or the metabolic alterations during the development of cancer. Diverse metabolites can be screened in a variety of biofluids, and tumor tissues sampled from cancer patients against healthy controls to capture the altered metabolism. In this review, we provide an overview of different metabolomics approaches employed in cancer research and the potential of metabolites as biomarkers for cancer diagnosis. In addition, we discuss the challenges associated with metabolomics-driven cancer research and gaze upon the prospects of this emerging field.
Cite this Research Publication : Khushman Taunk, Saikiran Jajula, Praneeta Pradip Bhavsar, Mahima Choudhari, Sadanand Bhanuse, Anup Tamhankar, Tufan Naiya, Bhargab Kalita, Srikanth Rapole, The prowess of metabolomics in cancer research: current trends, challenges and future perspectives. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, pp.1-28, 2024.