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Course Detail

Course Name Physics of Radiation Therapy
Course Code 24PHY556
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore


Unit I

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, students will be able to

LO1– Understand the basic concepts of radiation transport and related equations.

LO2– Explain the analytical solutions to the diffusion equation.

LO3– Understand the slowing theory and resonance absorption.

Radiation transport – Basic concepts of radiation transport, Transport equation, Ficks’s law and diffusion equation, Boundary conditions, Analytical solution to diffusion equation. Energy-dependent transport and diffusion equation, slowing theory, resonance absorption.

Unit II

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, student will be able to

LO1– Understand the basic aspects of cell biology and physiology.

LO2– Describe the mechanisms of radiation action at cellular and molecular levels.

LO3– Explain the radiation effects on human beings and the basis of radiation protection standards.

Radiation biophysics – Basic aspects of cell biology and physiology. Mechanism of direct and indirect action of radiation at cellular level. Nature of radiation damage at molecular, subcellular and cellular level. Radiation effects on human beings – deterministic and stochastic effects, parental radiation effects, radiobiological basis of risk evaluation and evolution of radiation protection standards. Dose limits.

Unit III

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, student will be able to

LO1– Understand the damage to DNA due to radiation.

LO2– Describe the mechanisms of cell killing and survival using target theory.

LO3– Explain the stages of the cell cycle, repair, and cellular dose-response

Induction of chromosomal aberrations and its application in biological dosimetry of absorbed radiation. Cell killing and induction of mutations. Target theory of cell inactivation and theoretical models for cell survival response. Cellular response-dose, dose rate, dose fractionation, LET, hyperthermia oxygen, sensitizers, protectors, cell cycle stage, cellular repair processes.

Unit IV

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, student will be able to

LO1– Understand diagnostic radiology and modern imaging techniques.

LO2– Explain the principles of diagnostic radiology.

LO3– Describe the use of radiation in nuclear medicine.

Diagnostic methods – Diagnostic radiology and modern trends in imaging techniques-Physical principles of x-ray diagnosis, Positron Emission Tomography (PET), CT Scanning.

Unit V

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, students will be able to

LO1– Understand the modern particle radiotherapy techniques

LO2– Explain the principles and applications of particle therapy.

LO3– Describe the use of radiation in beam therapy and brachytherapy.

Radiation therapy – Benign and malignant tumours, Tissue tolerance dose and tumour lethal dose, Fractionation, Palliative and Curative therapy, Spectral distribution of X-rays dose measurement, Backscatter and central axis depth doses, Isodose curves, Wedge filters, Shielding blocks and compensators. Megavoltage X-ray therapy, Electron contamination, particulate beam therapy, neutron capture therapy, Heavy ion therapy and proton beam therapy

Objectives and Outcomes


Familiarity with the basic concepts of radiation physics, the physics of electricity, and electromagnetic behavior.

Course Objectives

This course will provide a basic knowledge of radiation physics and the biological effects of ionizing radiation to understand the principles of radiation therapy.

Course Outcomes

After completion of this course students will be able to
CO1: Understand the radiation interaction and radiation transport mechanisms in a classical and relativistic manner
CO2: Identify the biological effects of both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation and the harmful effects of radiation.

CO3: Learn about the cellular response to dose and the mechanism of cell survival using target theory

CO4: Comprehend the physical principles underlying diagnostic imaging technologies

CO5: Understand the physical principles of radiotherapy technologies, radiology, and nuclear medicine

Skills: By solving problems in the form of assignments and quizzes related to radiation transport equations, biological physics and stellar physics improves the analytical skills of students.

CO-PO Mapping

CO1 3 3 3 3
CO2 3 3 3 3
CO3 3 3 3 3
CO4 3 3 3 3
CO5 3 3 3 3

Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Internal External


Mid-term 30
*Continuous Assessment (CA) 20
End Semester 50

*CA – Can be Quizzes, Assignment, Projects, and Reports.

Justification for CO-PO mapping

Mapping Justification Affinity level
CO1-PO1 CO1 is related to recognize scientific and quantitative methods of radiation transport through transport equations, diffusion equations. This improves student’s knowledge in understanding the transport of radiation. Hence the affinity level is 3. 3
CO1-PO2 Since PO2 is related to problem analysis and CO1 is also related to various methods in radiation transport. Hence the affinity level between CO1 and PO2 is mentioned as 3. 3
CO2-PO1 CO2 is related to acquiring knowledge about the harmful effects of radiation on the human body and evaluating the radiation exposure risk through radiation protection standards. Hence the affinity level is 3. 3
CO2-PO2 As CO2 is also related to solve various problems of radiation effects and exposure. Since PO2 is related to developing analytical skills, the affinity level between them is 3. 3
CO3-PO1 Since PO1 is related to gaining knowledge about the cellular response to dose and cell killing mechanism using theories like the target theory. CO3 has maximum affinity 3 when mapped with PO1. 3
CO3-PO2 CO3 is related to problem-solving skills in cell survival and dose-response of cells. As problems will be solved by employing the methods of target theory, the analytical skills of students will be improved. Hence, CO3 has a maximum affinity to PO2 and hence given an affinity level of 3. 3
CO4-PO1 CO4 involves understanding the mechanism of diagnostic radiology and imaging techniques like X-ray imaging, CT scanning, and PET scanning. This helps in understanding the location and size of the tumor. Hence the affinity is 3 3
CO4-PO2 CO4 requires solving the problems of imaging in identifying the location and size of the cancer. Since PO2 is related to developing analytical skills, the affinity is 3 3
CO5-PO1 CO5 requires the identification and classification of different radiotherapy techniques. This helps in gaining knowledge about the schemes of radiotherapy like fractionation and its advantages. Hence, the affinity is a maximum of 3 3
CO5-PO2 CO5 will help with solving the problems of radiotherapy by understanding the nature of the different beams used. This is achieved by understanding the Braggs curve and other quantitative factors. The affinity between CO5 and PO2 is 3 3
CO1-PSO1 PSO1 is related to demonstrating proficiency in mathematics and the mathematical concepts needed for a proper understanding of radiation biophysics through the transport equation of radiation in living tissues. Hence the affinity level is 3. 3
CO1-PSO2 PSO2 is related to applying basic physics knowledge to analyze a variety of radiation transport phenomena like using Fick’s law for diffusion. Hence the affinity level is 3. 3
CO2-PSO1 CO2 is related to recognize and acquiring knowledge about the harmful effects of radiation on the human body, which map completely with PSO1. So the affinity level is 3. 3
CO2-PSO2 Since PSO2 is related to improving knowledge in radiation biophysics, which is essential to understand radiology and dosimetry. Hence the affinity level between CO2 and PSO2 is 3. 3
CO3-PSO1 Since CO3 is related to analyze and solve problems related to cell survival and dose-response of cells using target cell theory. CO3-PSO1 mapping has the affinity level 3. 3
CO3-PSO2 CO3 is related to gaining knowledge about the various stages of cell cycle and the mechanism of cell killing through DNA damage. This will help in assessing the effects and radiation damage. The affinity between PSO2 and CO3 is 3 3
CO4-PSO1 CO4 requires understanding and solving problems related to the identification of tumors using diagnostic techniques like PET, CT, and X-ray. Hence, the affinity level is 3 3
CO4-PSO2 CO4 involves improving knowledge in radiation interaction, and nuclear interactions, like beta decay which is useful in understanding the principles of diagnosis techniques like PET scanning. This leads to an affinity of 3 3
CO5-PSO1 CO5 leads to understanding the different modes of radiation therapy and analyzing the deposition of energy of various beams through concepts like the Bragg curve. This leads to an affinity of 3 between CO5 and PSO1 3
CO5-PSO2 CO5 involves solving the problems of dose deposition, confining the dose to tumor volume, by using the Bragg curve to understand the dose-depth profile. Hence, the affinity between CO5 and PSO2 is 3 3

Text Books / References

  1. J. Hall and A. J. Giaccia, “Radiobiology for the Radiologist”, 7th Ed. Lippincottt Williams & Wilkins, 2011.
  2. E. Johns and J. R. Cunningham, “The Physics of Radiology”, 4th Edition, C C Thomas publisher, 1966.
  3. Faiz M. Khan, “The Physics of Radiation therapy”, LIppincott Williams & Wikins, Philadelphia, 3rd edition, 2003.
  4. T. Bushberg, J. A. Seibert, E. M. Leidholdt Jr. and J. M. Boone, “The essential Physics of Medical Imaging”, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2012.

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