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Nanofibers and Nanomembranes of Biopolymers

Publication Type : Book Chapter

Publisher : Springer

Source : Handbook of Biopolymers . Springer, Singapore.

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School for Sustainable Futures

Year : 2023

Abstract : Biopolymers contribute from naturally occurring as well as synthesized formats. This chapter exemplifies the significant nature of biopolymers, which originated from various sources such as plants, microbial, algae, animal, or botanical sources. These biopolymers are manufactured into electrospun fibers and membranes via multiple techniques. The processing parameters and ensuing fibers were characterized by many sophisticated analytical, microscopic, and spectroscopic methods. The numerous applications of membranes and fibers were also systematically demonstrated in various fields such as energy storage, food packaging, catalysis, biomedical, antimicrobial, bioelectronics, chemical sensors, water filtration, and others.

Cite this Research Publication : Padil, V.V.T. (2023). Nanofibers and Nanomembranes of Biopolymers. In: Thomas, S., AR, A., Jose Chirayil, C., Thomas, B. (eds) Handbook of Biopolymers . Springer, Singapore.

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