Publication Type : Conference Paper
Thematic Areas : SDG 4 Education
Publisher : IEEE
Source : 2023 IEEE 11th Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC) (pp. 254-259). Rajkot, India
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School for Sustainable Futures
Year : 2023
Abstract : Quality student assessment can produce skilled graduates who are competitive in the job market. This research aims to validate the Student Perception of Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ), for its use in determining the effectiveness of assessment practices in undergraduate engineering education from the student perspective. The five-scaled instrument (SPAQ) was adopted and modified to measure the perception of 557 undergraduate engineering students from four (4) engineering universities in Bangladesh. Students from six (6) engineering departments took part in this study to ensure a good representation of participants. It was confirmed that the instrument (SPAQ) has an acceptable reliability value (Cronbach's Alpha of 0.81) and can be used to elicit the perception of undergraduate engineering education students. The study recommends that engineering universities prioritize quality assessment practices by involving students and providing appropriate training for teachers on teaching and assessment methodologies.
Cite this Research Publication : Badjie, O., Al Mamun, M. A., Ekuban, C. A. A., & Velankar, Y. (2023). Exploring Assessment Practices in Engineering Education: Validation of the Student Perception of Assessment Questionnaire. In 2023 IEEE 11th Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC) (pp. 254-259). Rajkot, India. doi:10.1109/R10-HTC57504.2023.10461910.