Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : Springer Nature
Source : Information Systems for Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of ISBM 2022 (pp. 495-508). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School for Sustainable Futures
Year : 2023
Abstract : In this Anthropocene era, it is relevant to understand how culture influences humans’ ecological behavior. This research aims to understand the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on temple-led eco-conservation strategies from the Sasthamcotta Shri Dharma Sastha temple, known for its natural landscapes and pro-environmental activities. A qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews was conducted virtually among the people who regularly interact with the temple. The data was collected directly from the field and is analyzed systematically based on grounded theory. The findings indicate that temples can generate eco-conservation approaches that are socio-psychologically relevant to humans, such as (a) connectedness to nature, (b) sense of place, (c) values, beliefs, and norms, and (d) general awareness. The temple also serves as a management hub for (e) pro-social activities and (f) environmental decision-making. Managerial factors such as pro-social activities and environmental decision-making were curtailed during the COVID-19 lockdown, and the strategies based on socio-psychological factors remain unchanged. According to our findings, new environmental conservation strategies should be based on socio-psychological aspects that are more in line with the mental model of the community.
Cite this Research Publication : Mukil, M. V., Athira, R., Rashed, T., & Rao, R. B. (2023). Sacred Spaces Enduring Pro-environmental Behavior: A Case Study from Kerala Temple. In Information Systems for Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of ISBM 2022 (pp. 495-508). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.