Publication Type : Conference Proceedings
Publisher : IEEE
Source : Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2017 IEEE International
Url :
Campus : Bengaluru
School : School of Engineering
Year : 2017
Abstract : This study inter-compares observed Ku-, X- and C-band microwave backscatter from saline 14 cm, 8 cm, and 4 cm snow covers on smooth first-year sea ice. A surface-borne multi-frequency (Ku-, X- and C-bands) polarimetric microwave scatterometer system is used near-coincident with in situ snow geophysical measurements. The study investigated differences in scatterometer observations for all three frequencies, co-pol ratios, and introduced new dual-frequency ratios to discriminate dominant polarization-dependent frequencies from these snow covers. Preliminary results suggest that, thinnest 4 cm snow cover demonstrate greatest increase in microwave backscatter from all three frequencies, followed by backscatter from thicker 8 cm and 14 cm snow covers. Dual-frequency indices derived for all frequency and polarization combinations suggest greater sensitivity of Ku-band microwaves to snow grain microstructure with increasing snow thicknesses, X-band microwaves to changes in snow salinities with decreasing snow thicknesses. Our results indicate the effect of dielectric loss associated with high salinities throughout all layers of the three snow covers, as the dominant factor affecting microwave penetration and backscatter from all three frequencies.
Cite this Research Publication : Nandan, Vishnu, Torsten Geldsetzer, Mallik Mahmud, John Yackel, Mark C. Fuller, Jagvijay PS Gill, and Saroat Ramjan. "Multi-frequency microwave backscatter indices from saline snow covers on smooth first-year sea ice." In 2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), pp. 346-349. IEEE, 2017.