Publication Type : Journal Article
Source : Remote Sensing
Url :
Campus : Bengaluru
School : School of Engineering
Year : 2024
Abstract : The presence of melt ponds on the surface of Arctic Sea ice affects its albedo, thermal properties, and overall melting rate; thus, the detection of melt pond onset is of significant importance for understanding the Arctic’s changing climate. This study investigates the utility of a novel method for detecting the onset of melt ponds on sea ice using a satellite-based, dual-sensor C-band approach, whereby Sentinel-1 provides horizontally polarized (HH) data and Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) provides vertically polarized (VV) data. The co-polarized ratio (VV/HH) is used to detect the presence of melt ponds on landfast sea ice in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago in 2017 and 2018. ERA-5 air temperature and wind speed re-analysis datasets are used to establish the VV/HH threshold for pond onset detection, which have been further validated by Landsat-8 reflectance. The co-polarized ratio threshold of three standard deviations from the late winter season (April) mean co-pol ratio values are used for assessing pond onset detection associated with the air temperature and wind speed data, along with visual observations from Sentinel-1 and cloud-free Sentinel-2 imagery. In 2017, the pond onset detection rates were 70.59% for FYI and 92.3% for MYI. Results suggest that this method, because of its dual-platform application, has potential for providing large-area coverage estimation of the timing of sea ice melt pond onset using different earth observation satellites.
Cite this Research Publication : Maknun S. S, Geldsetzer T, Nandan V, Yackel J, Mahmud M, Detecting Melt Pond Onset on Landfast Arctic Sea Ice Using a Dual C-Band Satellite Approach, Remote Sensing, 16(12), 2091,2024.