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Investigation of Convective Peristaltic flow of non-Newtonian Fluids through a non-uniform Tapered Porous Conduit with Ohmic heating and Viscous Dissipation

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Taylor & Francis

Source : International Journal of Modelling and Simulation

Url :

Campus : Chennai

School : School of Engineering

Year : 2024

Abstract : The study of convective magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) biofluid transport through a non-uniform duct is of interest due to its applications to biomedical devices and equipment. Because of this, a comparative study of free convective peristaltic flow of non-Newtonian (Casson and Jeffrey) fluids in a tapered porous symmetric duct with Hall current and viscous dissipation effects is carried out. The proposed dimensional governing equations are converted into a system of non-dimensional partial differential equations by invoking adequate non-dimensional parameters. Furthermore, a long-wavelength approximation is used to reduce the complexity of the system. Then the reduced system of partial differential equations is solved analytically using the regular perturbation method. The fascinating features of the influential parameters on the flow characteristics are demonstrated and analyzed in depth through graphs and tables. The results demonstrate that the velocity and temperature in the Jeffrey fluid flow are larger compared to those in the Casson fluid flow. The thermal Grashof number and the Hall current parameter enhanced the pressure rise profile. This research has significant implications in biomedical devices (MRI, vitamins A and D injections, heart-lung machines, etc.) and pharmaceutical fluid preparation in biomedical sciences.

Cite this Research Publication : Ajithkumar, M., P. Lakshminarayana, G. Sucharitha, and K. Vajravelu. "Investigation of convective peristaltic flow of non-Newtonian fluids through a non-uniform tapered porous conduit with Ohmic heating and viscous dissipation." International Journal of Modelling and Simulation (2024): 1-14.

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