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A Contemporary Initiative to Uphold Cease COVID-19 Using Keras and Tensorflow

Publication Type : Book Chapter

Publisher : Springer Nature Singapore

Source : Modeling, Simulation and Optimization: Proceedings of CoMSO 2021

Url :

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Computing

Year : 2022

Abstract : Because of the world’s extreme interconnectivity, the next pandemic is likely only a flight away. Viruses like Ebola, NIPAH, Zika, and others have emerged and significantly impact people’s lives. Millions of people died because of these deadly viruses and still new viruses are coming into mankind every few years and taking so many lives. Currently, Coronavirus is an immediate threat to mankind. Each country is establishing a new set of laws and regulations to limit the Coronavirus effect. The most important thing for us to remember at this period is to wear a facemask at all times, maintain social distance, sanitize our hands, and do several other things. Despite the government’s intensified efforts, a small number of people continue to violate the rules and regulations. A chance to limit the virus’s spread in its early stages was neglected, with grave repercussions for many netizens. Facemask identification would be one of the most important aspects of our civilization to prevent the virus from spreading further.

Cite this Research Publication : Sujeevan Tej, S. D., Natasha JV Velmury, V. Bhargav Sai, Vema Rahul Sairam, and T. Anjali. "A Contemporary Initiative to Uphold Cease COVID-19 Using Keras and Tensorflow." In Modeling, Simulation and Optimization: Proceedings of CoMSO 2021, pp. 21-30. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.

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