Publication Type : Journal Article
Source : International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
Campus : Nagercoil
School : School of Computing
Year : 2014
Abstract : For decades powerful digital image editing software makes image modifi cations straightforward. In this paper analyze one of the most common form of photographic manipulation is known as Image Composition or Splicing. For that purpose a forgery detection method is used to exploits subtle inconsistencies in the color of the illumination of images. The technique (Machine Learning) is applicable to images containing two or more people. To achieving this concept, the information from physics (Chromaticity)-and statistical (texture and edge)-based illuminate estimators on image regions of similar images are taken. Then the extracted texture and edge-based features are provided to machinelearning approaches for Automatic Decision-Making. The Classification performance achieved by an SVM (Support Vector Machine) meta-fusion classifier. In machine learning of SVM is a supervised learning model with associated in learning algorithm.
Cite this Research Publication : Jothilakshmi, S. L., and V. G. Ranjith. "Automatic Machine Learning Forgery Detection Based On SVM Classifier." IJCSIT) InternationalJournal of Computer Science and Information Technologies 5, no. 3 (2014): 3384-3388.