Publisher : Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques
Campus : Coimbatore
Center : TIFAC CORE in Cyber Security
Year : 2016
Abstract : pIn this paper, we propose a statistical approach for smartphone malware detection. A set of features such as hardware, permission, application components, filtered intents, opcodes and strings are extracted from the samples to form a vector space model. Feature selection methods such as Entropy based Category Coverage Difference (ECCD) and Weighted Mutual Information (WI) are used to choose the prominent features. The performance of the system is analyzed using classifiers, Random Forest, Rotation Forest and Support Vector Machine (SVM). The system was evaluated on individual models as well as Meta feature space model for both malware and benign features. It was observed that the meta feature space model with malware features provide the best results for both feature selection. For ECCD, Random Forest classifier performs better [Dataset 1—0.972, Dataset 2—0.976 and Dataset 3—0.969] whereas in the case of WI, SVM gives highest F-measure [Dataset 1—0.993, Dataset 2—0.994 and Dataset 3—0.992]. From the overall analysis on the system, we conclude that the malware model outperforms it’s benign counterpart and also that WI is a better feature selection technique compared to ECCD. © 2016 Springer-Verlag France/p