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High Performance & Cloud Computing Interventions for Supply Chain Management

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : CSI Communications

Source : CSI Communications, Volume 37, Number 6, p.13 - 14 (2013)

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Center :  Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

Department : Computer Science

Verified : Yes

Year : 2013

Abstract : High Performance and Cloud Computing system interventions have started appearing in the domain of supply chain management. These systems help in providing transparency and visibility to supply chains. HPC systems having the advantages of scalability, data integration and interoperability. Cloud computing can integrate all partners in the global extended supply chain into an online social network like community with realtime information on all elements. Cloud Interventions in the SCM space are rapidly increasing with several vendors off ering Software as a service etc. HPC interventions on the other hand are limited to some big companies. A challenge faced during deployment of both cloud and HPC systems is legacy applications especially of the suppliers.

Cite this Research Publication : Prashant R. Nair, “High Performance & Cloud Computing Interventions for Supply Chain Management”, CSI Communications, vol. 37, pp. 13 - 14, 2013.

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