Publication Type : Journal Article
Thematic Areas : Learning-Technologies
Publisher : Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Verlag.
Source : Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Verlag, Volume 320, p.621-631 (2015)
Keywords : Chemistry, Computer aided instruction, Education, Educational innovations, Flipped classroom, ICT, Innovation, Laboratories, Learning environments, online labs, Problem based learning, Simulations, Social networking (online), Students, Teaching, Theoretical framework
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Business
Center : AmritaCREATE
Department : Business
Year : 2015
Abstract : pSmart ICT innovation like flipped classroom pedagogy is freeing up face-to-face in-class teaching system for additional problem based learning activities in the class. But the focus of flipped classrooms is more on the theory side with related lab work in science subjects further getting marginalized. In this paper we are proposing Flipped Labs - a method of pedagogy premeditated as a comprehensive online lab learning environment outside the class room by means of tutorials, theory, procedure, animations and videos. Flipped labs have the potential to transform the traditional methods of lab teaching by providing more lab time to students. An ICT educational innovation like flipped labs will not occur in isolation in an environment where two interrelated potential adopters namely teachers and students influence each other and both have to adopt for the innovation to be successful. In this paper we provide the theoretical framework for the diffusion and the adoption patterns for flipped labs using theory of perceived attributes and take into account the important intergroup influence between teachers and students. The results of this analysis indicated that Relative Advantage, Compatibility, Ease of Use, Teacher Influence and Student Influence were found to be positively related to acceptance of flipped labs. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015./p
Cite this Research Publication : Raghu Raman, “Flipped labs as a smart ICT innovation: Modeling its diffusion among interinfluencing potential adopters”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 320, pp. 621-631, 2015.