Unit 1
Review of Statistics – Introduction to regression analysis. Two-variable regression model: Estimation using ordinary least square method – underlying assumptions. Two-variable regression model: hypothesis testing, different functional forms.
Course Name | Applied Econometrics |
Course Code | 24COM634 |
Program | M. Com. (Finance & Systems) |
Semester | Elective |
Credits | 3 |
Campus | Amritapuri |
Review of Statistics – Introduction to regression analysis. Two-variable regression model: Estimation using ordinary least square method – underlying assumptions. Two-variable regression model: hypothesis testing, different functional forms.
Multiple regression – Multiple regression analysis: estimation, interpretation, hypothesis testing (understanding the model, model specification and casual inference, interpreting the coefficients, R-squared, t- and F-tests, model diagnostics, model building, model selection- timeseries (auto correlation functions, auto regression, and prediction) – logistic regression.
Dummy variable regression model – Violations of CLRM assumption: multi-collinearity, heteroscedasticity, auto correlation – Qualitative response regression models
Cross Sectional Econometrics – Time series Econometrics
Time Series Analysis: Some Basic Concepts – ARMA (p, q) – Var (p) – non-stationary processes -efficient market hypothesis – predictor methods – security and technical analysis – Panel data regression model
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course the students will be able to:
The course objectives above support the program level learning goal of “CRITICAL and INTEGRATIVE THINKING”.
Course Outcomes:
CO1 | Develop the necessary skills needed for empirical research using econometrics techniques |
CO2 | Theoretical background for the standard methods used in empirical analyses, like properties of least squares estimators and the statistical testing of hypothesis |
CO3 | To make use of econometric models in their academic work, for example in analyses needed for your master’s thesis |
CO4 | Gain knowledge and understanding of econometric techniques for the empirical analysis of economic phenomena, along with application of these techniques in a variety of contexts |
CO5 | Have Practical/technical skills such as, modeling skills (abstraction, logic, succinctness), qualitative and quantitative analysis and interpretation of data, programming of statistical packages and general IT literacy |
Damodar N Gujarati, Dawn C Porter, Sangeetha Gunasekar – Basic Econometrics – McGraw Hill
Reference Books:
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