Course objective:
To bridge the gap between a student and a student becoming an employee or an entrepreneur. Aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills to understand and participate in the modern business scenario and the world of economics so as to prepare them to achieve success in their career.
Course outcomes:
CO1 | Soft Skills: At the end of the course, the students would have developed self-confidence and positive attitude necessary to compete and challenge themselves. They would also be able to analyse and manage their emotions to face real life situations. |
CO2 | At the end of the course, the students shall learn to examine the context of a Group Discussion topic and develop new perspectives and ideas through brainstorming and arrive at a consensus. |
CO3 | At the end of the course, the students will have the ability to prepare a suitable resume. They would also have acquired the necessary skills, abilities and knowledge to present themselves confidently. They would be sure-footed in introducing themselves and facing interviews. |
CO4 | At the end of the course the students will have the ability to analyse every question asked by the interviewer, compose correct responses and respond in the right manner to justify and convince the interviewer of one’s right candidature through displaying etiquette, positive attitude and courteous communication. |
CO5 | Aptitude: At the end of the course, the student will have acquired the ability to analyse, understand and classify questions under arithmetic, algebra and logical reasoning and solve them employing the most suitable methods. They will be able to analyse, compare and arrive at conclusions for data analysis questions. |
CO6 | At the end of the course, students will be able to interpret, critically analyse and solve logical reasoning questions. They will have acquired the skills to manage time while applying methods to solve questions on arithmetic, algebra, logical reasoning, statistics and data analysis and arrive at appropriate conclusions. |
CO7 | Verbal: At the end of the course, the students will have the ability to understand the nuances of English grammar and apply them effectively. |
CO8 | At the end of the course, the students will have the ability to relate, choose, conclude and determine the usage of right vocabulary. |
CO9 | At the end of the course, the students will have the ability to decide, conclude, identify and choose the right grammatical construction. |
- Soft skills and its importance: Pleasure and pains of transition from an academic environment to work – environment. Need for change. Fears, stress and competition in the professional world. Importance of positive attitude, self-motivation and continuous knowledge upgradation.
- Attitude, Values, Motivation, Emotion Management, Steps to like yourself, Positive Mental Attitude, Assertiveness.
- Resume writing Group discussion, Concepts, Mock GDs. Interviews, Presentation skills – Guidelines.
- Vocabulary: Synonyms; Antonyms; Analogy; one-word substitutes; idioms; phrasal verbs; Grammar: Article and preposition; SV agreement; tenses; voices; modifiers; parallelism. Reading and comprehension; para jumble.
- Problem Solving: Problems on numbers; Percentages; Ratio, proportions and variations; Time and distance; Time, men and work.
- Data interpretation: Numerical DataTables; Line Graphs; Bar Charts and Pie Charts; Case let Forms; Mix Diagrams; Geometrical Diagrams and other forms of Data Representation.
- Logical Reasoning: Family Tree; Linear Arrangements; Circular and Complex Arrangement; Conditionalities and Grouping; Sequencing and Scheduling; Selections; Networks; Codes; Cubes; Venn Diagram in Logical Reasoning.