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Feedback-Regulated Information Fusion Approach for Optimizing Multiple Spread Control in complex Network

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Publisher : Elsevier

Source : Procedia Computer Science

Url :

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Computing

Year : 2024

Abstract : The information spread uses a social media platform, where one user intends to share information with others intentionally or non-intentionally. The rapid spread of information on social media platforms is a complex phenomenon influenced by many factors. However, the factors influencing this rapid spread in the online space still need to be discovered. Individuals utilize social media platforms to share their experiences regarding various events related to products or services. Given the intricate and multilayered nature of social media networks, the feedback received from each layer essentially mirrors the collective perceptions of the world. This process involves fusing information from each node within the network to arrive at a decision specific to the corresponding layer. And regulate the multiple spreads through the social networks. The system is verified by using a diffusion model to ensure correctness. The verification and validation show the suitability of the proposed system in controlling multiple spreading.

Cite this Research Publication : Jyothisha J. Nair, Jo Cheriyan, Feedback-Regulated Information Fusion Approach for Optimizing Multiple Spread Control in complex Network,Procedia Computer Science, 2024.

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