Unit 1
What is Sanatana Dharma; The Heritage of Scriptures ; The idea of Īśvara; Guru Tattva and Avatara Tattva
Course Name | Glimpses of Indian Culture |
Course Code | 22ADM501 |
Program | M. Com. (Finance & Systems) |
Semester | I |
Credits | 3 |
Campus | Amritapuri |
What is Sanatana Dharma; The Heritage of Scriptures ; The idea of Īśvara; Guru Tattva and Avatara Tattva
Theory of Karma; Purusharthas; Sanyasa; Yajna; Symbolism
Understanding Nataraja; Temples: The Cradle of Culture;
Other Heterodox Systems in India; Sadhana
Learning Objectives
To identify and analyze the cultural practices, values, and beliefs of modern India, recognizing the ways in which cultural identities intersect with systems of power and oppression. Moreover, the students will be able to reflect on their own cultural biases and assumptions to work towards becoming more culturally competent and inclusive in their personal and professional lives.
Course Outcomes
CO1: Understand the relevance of legendary people who are involved with restoring balance and harmony or guiding humanity toward spiritual liberation.
CO2: Demonstrate an understanding of the historical and cultural contexts that have shaped the role of women in society.
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