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Maximizing Employee Satisfaction and Productivity Through Karma Yoga Practices: Thematic Analysis

Publication Type : Book Chapter

Source : Promoting Mindfulness and Well-Being with Indian Psychology

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Year : 2024

Abstract : Karma Yoga, which has its roots in the Bhagavad Gita, gives useful guidelines that help improve employee productivity and well-being at work. In order to increase job happiness and effectiveness, this study investigates the incorporation of Karma Yoga practises. Employee stress may be reduced and performance can be at its best by concentrating on the process rather than the results. Karma Yoga's mindfulness practise has been related to increased workplace wellbeing. This strategy encourages altruistic action for the benefit of the organisation as a whole, promoting emotional intelligence and pleasure. Karma Yoga promotes mindfulness of the present moment, which lowers stress levels and fosters a sense of community and cooperation. These factors promote mental health by fostering a work-life balance and providing social support. Employees who do Karma Yoga can flourish professionally and emotionally while remaining aloof from other influences, thereby improving overall wellbeing and productivity.

Cite this Research Publication : Anu Raj Singh, Pratima Mishra, Priyesh Kumar Singh, Maximizing Employee Satisfaction and Productivity Through Karma Yoga Practices: Thematic Analysis, In A. Sathiyaseelan& S. Balasundaram (Eds.), Promoting Narratives on Defining Moments for Women Leaders in Higher Education (pp. 203-224). IGI Global, 2024

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