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An efficient maximum power point tracking in hybrid solar and wind energy system: A combined MDA-RNN technique

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : IOS Press

Source : Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy systems

Url :

Campus : Nagercoil

School : School of Engineering

Year : 2019

Abstract : This paper proposes a hybrid strategy based maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control algorithm technique to extricate maximum power from the high infiltrating hybrid renewable energy system. The proposed hybrid strategy is the mix of Modified Dragonfly Algorithm (MDA) and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) named as MDA-RNN. In the proposed MDA learning based RNN approach, the learning process of the RNN is upgraded by the MDA optimization process dependent on the minimum error objective function. Here, the proposed procedure precisely tracks the duty cycles of the hybrid renewable energy system utilizing Enhanced High Boost (EHB) DC-DC converter to extricate the maximum power output from the sources. To achieve this MPPT procedure, the proposed technique requires the hybrid renewable energy system power flow parameters varieties like voltage and current at each time interim. This control system additionally consolidates a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and levy flight approaches to deal with minimizing the losses in the generator and subsequently to improve the productivity of the wind and PV system. At long last, the execution of the proposed MPPT control of wind and PV power generation plans is executed in MATLAB/Simulink working stage and the execution is surveyed with the current systems.

Cite this Research Publication : Shyni P Nair and M Mary Linda, "An efficient Maximum Power Point Tracking in hybrid solar and wind energy system: a combined MDA-RNN technique," Journal of Intelligent and fuzzy systems, vol. no. 37. Issue no. 4 , pp. 5495-5514, 2019.

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