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Samkhya Philosophy, Deep Ecology, and Sustainable Development

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Politechnika Lubelska, Poland (Scopus)

Source : Problemy Ekorozwoju/ Problems of Sustainable Development

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Campus : Nagercoil

School : School of Computing

Year : 2022

Abstract : Samkhya philosophy is one of the oldest philosophies in the Indian philosophical system. This philosophy is in-dependent in origin and mainly known for its evolution theory. Samkhya philosophy has accepted the two ultimate and independent realities, Natureand pure Consciousness. This paper is an attempt to comprehend the notion of deep ecology from the Samkhya’s evolution theory perspective. In this paper, firstly, we have elucidated the Sam-khya philosophy of suffering and the solution to the problem. In the second part of the article, we have argued that how Samkhya's philosophical notion of Nature demonstrates our embeddedness in Nature. Therefore, the idea of deep ecology is always there in one or another form in Samkhya philosophy. It has also connections to the idea of sustainable development.

Cite this Research Publication : Biswas N.G., Prakash G., Samkhya Philosophy, Deep Ecology, and Sustainable Development, Problemy Ekorozwoju/ Problems of Sustainable Development, 17(1), p.288-292, 2022.

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