Publication Type : Book Chapter
Publisher : Taylor and Francis
Source : Fractal Signatures in the Dynamics of an Epidemiology: an Analysis of COVID-19 Transmission, 2023, pp. 176–191.
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Physical Sciences
Department : Mathematics
Year : 2023
Abstract : In this Chapter, we proposed a model based on Lambert's $W$ function for analyzing the growth rate of multicellular tumor spheroid. The model is validated with multicellular tumor spheroid data such as 9L, U-87MG and Rat1-T1. Also, the model discriminates the growth rate changes in three stages of each tumor data. The obtained results reveal our proposed method is very much suitable for approximating the tumor growth rate for the data which preserves the properties of the Gompertz curve.
Cite this Research Publication : Aishwarya, C., Paramanathan, P., "Mathematical Modelling of Multicellular Tumor Spheroid Growth Using Lambert Function," Fractal Signatures in the Dynamics of an Epidemiology: an Analysis of COVID-19 Transmission, 2023, pp. 176–191.