Unit I
Basic structure of queueing models, Examples of real queueing systems, Role of Exponential distribution, Birth-Death processes, Queueing models based on birth –death processes- M/M/1, M/M/s, M/M/1/K, M/M/s/K
Course Name | Queuing Theory And Inventory Control |
Course Code | 24MAT457 |
Program | 5 Year Integrated MSc/ BSc. (H) in Mathematics with Minor in Data Science |
Semester | Elective |
Credits | 3 |
Campus | Amritapuri |
Basic structure of queueing models, Examples of real queueing systems, Role of Exponential distribution, Birth-Death processes, Queueing models based on birth –death processes- M/M/1, M/M/s, M/M/1/K, M/M/s/K
Queueing models involving non exponential distribution,- M/G/1, G/M/1, M/D/1,M/Ek/1, M/Ek/s, Priority discipline queueing models and Queueing networks.
Application of Queueing Theory, Examples, Decision making, formulation of waiting cost functions, Decision models
Inventory concept – Components of Inventory model, Deterministic continuous review models, EOQ formula, EOQ models with shortages, EOQ models with quantity discount, Deterministic periodic review models,
Stochastic continuous review models, stochastic single period model for perishable products, stochastic multi-period models, Stochastic periodic review model, inventory systems in practice, Supply chain management.
CO1: Understand the principle concept of Continuous time Markov Chains.
CO2: Work with various distributions such as the negative exponential distribution and Erlang distribution.
CO3: Understand Markovian queues and their solutions
CO4: Apply Markov Chains to general queues, such as M/G/1 and GI/M/1.
CO5: Understand, model and analyze simple deterministic and stochastic inventory control systems.
CO6: Undertake simple cost analyses relating to the above models.
Textbooks/ References
Reference Books:
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