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Course Detail

Course Name Chemistry Lab
Course Code 24CHY184
Program 5 Year Integrated MSc/ BSc. (H) in Mathematics with Minor in Data Science
Semester I
Credits 4
Campus Amritapuri

Course Outcomes

Course Outcomes:

CO1: To develop knowledge about safety requirements and to make them able to perform experiments as and analyse the results of experiments.

CO2: Explain the concept of various volumetric analysis including acid base titrations, permanganometric titrations, complexometric and conductometric titrations.

CO3: Determine the transition temperature of the given salt hydrate CO4: Understand the measurement of viscosity by Ostwald Viscometer CO5: Understand the measurement of surface tension by Stalagmometer

CO6: Identify the concentration of an unknown solution by photocolorimetry


  1. Estimation of sodium hydroxide using A.R sodium carbonate
  2. Estimation of oxalic acid
  3. Estimation of Total, Permanent and Temporary Hardness of Water
  4. Determination of transition temperature and cryoscopic constant of the given salt hydrate
  5. Acid Base titration by conductance measurement
  6. Viscosity measurement
  7. Determination of surface tension
  8. Determination of unknown concentration of copper sulphate solution using photocolorimetric method

Evaluation Pattern: As in the rules for Assessment Procedure (R.14)

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