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Memoirs of Vaidyas. The Lives and Practices of Traditional Medical Doctors in Kerala, India (6)

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Electronic Journal of Indian Medicine

Source : Electronic Journal of Indian Medicine, Volume 5, Number 1, Barkhuis, Netherlands (2012)

Url :

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Ayurveda

Center : Amrita Centre for Advanced Research in Ayurveda

Department : Ayurveda

Year : 2012

Abstract : This article presents an English translation of an interview with a doctor of traditional Indian medicine (Āyurveda), Aṣṭavaidya, P*** Ś*** Mooss (1960 ~ ), in Kerala, India. The contents of the interview are 1. History of the Family and Aṣṭavaidyas, 2. Traditional Education of Āyurveda, 3. A Patient in the Final Stage, 4. The Carakasaṃhitā and the Aṣṭāṅgahdayasaṃhitā, 5. The Aṣṭāṅgahdayasaṃhitā and the Aṣṭāṅgasaṃgraha, 6. Modern Āyurveda, 7. Vāgbhaṭa in Kerala, 8. Treatments of Āyurveda, 9. Traditional elephant-medicine (Hastyāyurveda).

Cite this Research Publication : Y. Tsutomu and Ram Manohar P., “Memoirs of Vaidyas. The Lives and Practices of Traditional Medical Doctors in Kerala, India (6)”, Electronic Journal of Indian Medicine, vol. 5, 2012.

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