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Allied Mental Health Professionals: Clinical Psychologists, Psychiatric Nurses and Psychiatric Social Workers: Availability and Competency

Publication Type : Book Chapter

Publisher : Springer

Source : In Mental Health in South Asia: Ethics, Resources, Programs and Legislation (Eds JK Trivedi, A Tripathi) Springer (India) pp 221-232

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Campus : Faridabad

School : School of Medicine

Department : Psychiatry

Year : 2015

Abstract : Mental disorders have a multifactorial etiology and therefore the management often requires a multidisciplinary team. The multidisciplinary mental health care team consists of psychiatrists and allied mental health professionals (MHPs) which include clinical psychologists, psychiatric social workers and psychiatric nurses. Both the psychiatrists as well as different allied MHPs have an important role to play in the management of mental disorders. While the psychiatrist acts as the team leader as well as the medical expert making the diagnosis, the comprehensive management requires important inputs from various AMPs. Each of the allied MHP has a specific role, like the clinical psychologist conducting specific psychological assessment and instituting specific psychological interventions the psychiatric social worker looking into the psychosocial needs, and psychiatric nurse specialising in the specific nursing needs of the mentally ill. South Asia, which has many low income countries in its fold, has always faced a gross deficiency of mental health manpower. Different countries in the South Asia have come out with a range of training programs and curricula for developing manpower in various allied mental health disciplines, but the need is much more than the training posts. In recent years, the Government of India has taken a number of new nationwide initiatives under the National Mental Health Program by developing Centres of Excellence in mental health as well as upgrading the existing teaching units for expanding their training strength. Such endeavours are needed on a large scale in all the countries. This chapter discusses the role of allied MHPs in mental health care in South Asia with special focus on their availability and competency.

Cite this Research Publication : Chadda RK, Prashanth R (2015), "Allied Mental Health Professionals: Clinical Psychologists, Psychiatric Nurses and Psychiatric Social Workers: Availability and Competency," In Mental Health in South Asia: Ethics, Resources, Programs and Legislation (Eds JK Trivedi, A Tripathi) Springer (India) pp 221-232

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