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Image representation method based on Complex Wavelet Transform and Phase Congruency, with Automatic Threshold Selection

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Publisher : International Conference on Biology, Medical Physics, Medical Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biomedical Engineering, BIOMED

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science

Verified : Yes

Year : 2013

Abstract : Image representation is an active area of research with increasing applications in military and defense. Image representation aims at representing an image with lesser number of coefficients than the actual image, without affecting the image quality. It is the first step in image compression. Once the image is represented by using some set of coefficients, it is further encoded using various compression algorithms. This paper proposes an adaptive method for image representation, which uses Complex Wavelet transform and the concept of phase congruency, where the number of coefficients used for image representation depends on the information content in the input image. The efficiency of the proposed method has been assessed by comparing the number of coefficients used to represent theimage using the proposed method with that used when Complex Wavelet transform is used for image representation. The resultant image quality is determined by computing the PSNR values and Normalized Cross Correlation. Experiments carried out show highly promising results, in terms of the reduction in the number of coefficients used for image representation and the quality of the resultant image.

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