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Course Detail

Course Name Precision Nutrition
Course Code 24CNF514
Semester III
Credits 1
Campus Kochi


  1. Introduction to Course: Lifestyle gene/diet interactions
  2. Lifestyle gene/diet interactions; postprandial versus chronic dietary effects; exogenous/endogenous stressors; nature of bidirectional relationships (nutrigenetics /nutrigenomics; host/microbiota
  3. Dietary choices in nutrition and nutrigenomics
  4. Microbiota: Current knowledge about host/microbiota interactions. Techniques employed
  5. Effects of diet on microbiota/host interactions
  6. Impact of physical activity on health and disease conditions
  7. Sleep and diurnal cycles
  8. Food and herbal/supplement interactions
  9. Environmental Exposures and chronic diseases
  10. Impact of westernized diet across ethnic and racial groups
  11. Cultural and culinary practices: (Mediterranean diet, vegetarians, vegans) and evolutionary adaptation
  12. Precision nutrition and lifestyle genomics in professional and recreational athletes
  13. Lifestyle, nutritional habits and aging-associated neurodegenerative diseases
  14. Nutrition, lifestyle, and cancer, Environmental conditions associated with cancer
  15. Precision nutrition and lifestyle genomics autism disease spectrum and ADHD
  16. Lifestyle, diet associated with heart disease, Genetics, precision nutrition and heart disease
  17. Omega-3 deficiencies and inflammatory diseases: Inflammatory Bowel Disease, rheumatoid arthritis, Omega-3 deficiencies and inflammatory diseases: Covid-19 and others

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