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Course Detail

Course Name Research methodology and Biostatistics
Course Code 24CNF503
Program M. Sc. Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics
Semester I
Credits 2
Campus Kochi


  1. Introduction to research and types of research: Meaning of research, objectives of research, significance of research, research process, criteria of research
  2. Defining research problem: Selection of the problem, necessity of defining the problem, techniques in selecting a problem, examples
  3. Research design: Meaning of design, need for a research design, different research designs, basics of experimental designs, developing research plan, strengths and weakness, experimental, quasi experimental and correlational
  4. Sampling Design: Sample and universe, sampling, different methods of sampling, selection of a random sample, census and survey
  5. Measurement and scaling techniques: Measurement in research, measurement tools, scaling and scaling techniques
  6. Data collection: Methods of data collection, questionnaires/schedule, selection of appropriate method for data collection, guidelines for constructing questionnaire, guidelines for interviewing, sample questionnaires
  7. Data Analysis: Introduction to data analysis, demo with SPSS software
  8. Dissertation/Report writing: Technique of interpretation, report writing/dissertation writing, how to critique an article

Biostatistics/ Statistics

    1. Introduction: Basic concepts (data, sources of data, variable), objectives, role of biostatistics/statistics, summary
    2. Descriptive Statistics: Ordered array, frequency distribution, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, summary
    3. Basic probability concepts: Introduction, elementary properties of probability, probability distributions (binomial, poisson, normal distribution) applications
    4. Sampling: Sampling distributions, sample means and difference between two means, sample proportion and difference between two sample proportion, sampling, sampling methods (SRS,Sys, SrRs, cluster sampling), sample size and sample calculation
    5. Testing of hypothesis and estimation: Testing of hypothesis, Type I and Type II error (critical region and power of the test), applications of testing of hypothesis, confidence interval for population mean, confidence interval for population proportion.
    6. Analysis of variance (ANOVA): I-Introduction, CRD, RBD, LSD, factorial experiment, Summary
    7. Correlation and Regression: Introduction, correlation, correlation co-efficient, Regression(model) using the regression equation, Summary
    8. Non-parametric tests: Introduction, sign test, Wilcoxon signed rank test, median test, Mann-Whitney test and rank correlation, summary
    9. Multiple regression and correlation; Logistic regression; ANCOVA: Introduction, Methods and application
    10. Vital Statistics: Introduction, death rates and ratios, measures of fertility, measures of morbidity, measures of mortality, indicators of levels of health

Reference Books

  1. Kothari CR, “Research Methodology, Methods and Techniques”, Wiley Eastern Ltd, New Delhi, 2004.
  2. Gupta. S.P., “Statistical Methods”, Sultan Chand & sons, New Delhi, 2002.

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