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Analysis of superconducting microstrip resonator at various microwave power levels

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : AIP Publishing

Source : Journal of applied physics, AIP Publishing, Volume 81, Number 9, p.6272–6276 (1997)

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Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Center : Electronics Communication and Instrumentation Forum (ECIF)

Department : Electronics and Communication

Year : 1997

Abstract : The real and imaginary parts of the surface impedance of YBCO superconductors have been studied at different microwave power levels. Using the relations for the critical current density and the grain boundary resistance, a relation for calculating the power dependence of the surface resistance has been obtained. Also, a relation to find the resonant frequency of a superconducting microstrip resonator at various input power levels has been derived. Measurements have been carried out on various microstrip resonators to study the variation of surface resistance and resonant frequency at different rf power levels. The experimental results are in good agreement with theoretical results.

Cite this Research Publication : G. P. Srivastava, Jacob, M. V., Dr. Jayakumar M., Bhatnagar, P. K., and Kataria, N. D., “Analysis of superconducting microstrip resonator at various microwave power levels”, Journal of applied physics, vol. 81, pp. 6272–6276, 1997.

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