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Dependence of Substrate Resistance of RF MOSFET on the Performance of LNA at 60 GHz

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : IJCSI

Source : International Journal of Computer Science Issues(IJCSI), International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Volume 9, Number 4, p.277-283 (2012)

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Keywords : BSIM4, Composite model, millimeter-wave LNA, Millimeter-wave technology, radio frequency modeling

Campus : Amritapuri, Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Center : Electronics Communication and Instrumentation Forum (ECIF)

Department : Electronics and Communication

Year : 2012

Abstract : Operations in the 60 GHz band have many potential advantages compared to other unlicensed frequency bands including the availability of large bandwidth (7 GHz) and high-transmission power levels. In order to utilize this plentiful resource, it is necessary to study the MOSFET devices at 60 GHz for developing high efficiency low noise amplifier and oscillators. The modeling is mainly based on substrate resistance to improvethe operating frequency. π-type substrate resistance model of RF MOSFETs are used as composite model for MOSFET. In composite model, core transistor is modeled using BSIM4 and substrate network is added to it. The functionality of this composite model is verified by comparing with that of conventional MOSFET. To study the impact of substrate network, a 60 GHz LNA is constructed. Conventional LNA is designedfirst and later MOSFET in that LNA are replaced with composite model and comparing performances in both the cases. Within the range of designs, the impact of π-type substrate resistance network on noise figure, maximum available gain, maximum stable gain, high frequency noise and stability characteristics of the LNA are significant and reported.

Cite this Research Publication : S. Sari, Balamurugan, K., and Dr. Jayakumar M., “Dependence of Substrate Resistance of RF MOSFET on the Performance of LNA at 60 GHz”, International Journal of Computer Science Issues(IJCSI), vol. 9, pp. 277-283, 2012.

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