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DECEMBER | 13th – 15th, 2024


Two Decades since the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: Reflections, Learnings and Innovations

Amritapuri Campus
Kerala, India


Photo Competition

The competition aims to visually document and raise awareness about the aftermath of tsunamis, resilience-building initiatives, preparedness strategies, and innovative solutions to mitigate disaster risks.


Tsunami Impact and Recovery

  • Photos depicting the devastation caused by tsunamis, the immediate response, and the recovery process in affected communities.

Preparedness and Risk Reduction Efforts

  • Images showcasing measures taken to prepare for tsunamis, such as early warning systems, community evacuation drills, and mitigation infrastructure.

Community Resilience

  • Photographs that reflect the strength, adaptation, and resilience of coastal communities in the face of tsunami threats and other disasters.

Technological Innovations for Disaster Management

  • Visuals capturing technology-based interventions like IoT devices, monitoring systems, or advanced disaster warning tools.

Climate Change and Vulnerability

  • Images highlighting how climate change is affecting coastal areas and increasing their vulnerability to tsunami and other disaster risks.

Submission Guidelines

Photo Competition

Please send your submissions to with the title “Photo Competition

  • Submission Format: JPEG, PNG, or TIFF formats (high resolution preferred).
  • Number of Entries: Each participant may submit up to 5 photographs.
  • Description: Each submission should include a brief caption (max 150 words) explaining the context of the photo and how it relates to the theme.

Submission Deadline: December 05, 2024

Contest Overview

Photo Competition

Block Image

    • Open to all conference participants, including researchers, students, policymakers, industry professionals, and community members.

Judging Criteria:

    • Relevance to Theme: How well the photo captures the theme of tsunami risk reduction and resilience.

    • Visual Impact: The overall composition, quality, and creativity of the image.

    • Storytelling: The ability of the photograph to tell a compelling story of resilience, preparedness, or recovery.

    • Originality: Uniqueness and authenticity of the photo in conveying the message.

Block Image


Certificate and a feature in the conference proceedings and publications.


    • Selected photos will be exhibited during the conference both physically and digitally, providing participants and attendees with a powerful visual narrative of tsunami resilience.

Announcement of Winners:

    • Winners will be announced on the final day of the conference.

Admissions Apply Now