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IoT-Enabled Assistive Technologies Approach for Personalized Geriatric Health Monitoring and Safety

Publication Type : Book Chapter

Publisher : IGI Global

Source : Future of AI in Biomedicine and Biotechnology”,IGI Global,2024,,,125-146

Url :

Campus : Chennai

School : School of Computing

Department : Computer Science and Engineering

Year : 2024

Abstract : IoT is revolutionizing healthcare, especially for geriatric individuals in smart homes, prioritizing personalized, preventive, and comprehensive treatment. This research aims to create an intelligent environment for adaptable living, incorporating cutting-edge assistive technologies. The system includes features like medicine prompts, schedulers, fitness monitors, and improved fall detection, operating efficiently for up to seven days without battery replacement. To safeguard patient information, an ECDH module reduces latency by 77.78% compared to alternatives, ensuring security and efficiency. With user-friendly interfaces and adaptive functionalities, seamless user experience and accessibility are prioritized.

Cite this Research Publication : Ponnuviji, NP; Elangovan, G; Sujatha, K; Jambulingam, Umamageswaran; Ganesan, Indumathi; Lalitha, SD; , “IoT-Enabled Assistive Technologies Approach for Personalized Geriatric Health Monitoring and Safety, Future of AI in Biomedicine and Biotechnology”, IGI Global,2024,,,125-146

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