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Dr. Veluchamy S.

Assistant Professor (Sl.Gr.)| Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Chennai

Qualification: B. Tech., M.Tech., Ph.D
Research Interest: Biometrics, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Advanced Driver Assistance System


Dr. S. Veluchamy is currently an Assistant Professor (Selection Grade) in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Chennai, India. He has 12 years of teaching experience. He completed his PhD from Anna University, Chennai, India, specializing in hand-based multimodal biometric systems at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai. He earned his B.E. in Electronics and Communication Engineering from National College of Engineering, Tirunelveli.

Dr. Veluchamy has published 67 papers in Scopus-indexed journals and conferences. His primary research area includes developing optimization algorithms based on fractional theory for multimodal biometrics applications. He designed a Fractional Cuckoo Search algorithm to determine the optimal weight score for fusing two different feature vectors with significant accuracy. He also introduced a new feature vector, HE-Co-HOG, which combines holoentropy and the Co-HOG vector for person identification.

To create an efficient classifier for recognizing individuals using the fused feature vector, Dr. Veluchamy proposed the k-SVM classifier, a combination of the KNN and SVM classifiers, which enhances the accuracy of person authentication. Currently, he is working on various bio-inspired techniques to design an effective feature-level fusion scheme for the biometric field.


Journal Article

Year : 2024

Automated Detection of COVID-19 from Multimodal Imaging Data Using Optimized Convolutional Neural Network Model

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Veluchamy, Dr.S.Sudharson, Dr.R.Annamalai, "Automated Detection of COVID-19 from Multimodal Imaging Data Using Optimized Convolutional Neural Network Model", Journal of Imaging Informatics in Medicine (Springer)- SCI

Publisher : Springer

Year : 2023

HY-LSTM: A new time series deep learning architecture for estimation of pedestrian time to cross in advanced driver assistance system

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Veluchamy, Dr.A.Michael Mahesh , Dr.A.Muthukrishnan, "HY-LSTM: A new time series deep learning architecture for estimation of pedestrian time to cross in advanced driver assistance system", Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (Elsevier)- SCI

Publisher : Elsevier

Year : 2023

DeepDrive: A braking decision making approach using optimized GAN and Deep CNN for advanced driver assistance systems

Cite this Research Publication : Dr.S.Veluchamy, Dr.A.Michael,Mahesh, "DeepDrive: A braking decision making approach using optimized GAN and Deep CNN for advanced driver assistance systems", Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence” (SCI-E ) Impact Factor: 7.8

Year : 2022

Rider Border Collie Optimization based Deep Convolution NN for Road Scene Segmentation & Road Intersection Classification

Cite this Research Publication : Dr.A.Michael, Mahesh , Dr.S.Veluchamy, "Rider Border Collie Optimization based Deep Convolution NN for Road Scene Segmentation & Road Intersection Classification", Digital signal Processing (Elsevier)- SCI E

Year : 2020

HE-Co-HOG and k-SVM classifier for Finger knuckle and palm print-based Multimodal Biometric Recognition

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy, Dr.L.RKarlmarx, "HE-Co-HOG and k-SVM classifier for Finger knuckle and palm print-based Multimodal Biometric Recognition", Sensor Review Journal Emerald Insight Publisher-ISSN 0260-2288 (SCI-E )

Year : 2019

Development of High Recognition FKP System using Fractional Cuckoo Search Optimization Method

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy, Dr.L.RKarlmarx, A .Ponbharathi, "Development of High Recognition FKP System using Fractional Cuckoo Search Optimization Method", Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing, Communication & Networking Technologies (ICRTCCNT) 2019

Year : 2018

An Efficient Marine Surveillance System Using Gaussian Mixture Model

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy, A. Monisha, Dayana Mary, "An Efficient Marine Surveillance System Using Gaussian Mixture Model", International Journal Of Science And Innovative Engineering &Technology ISBN NO. 978-81-923607-3-7, May 2018 Issue Volume 2

Year : 2017

Kinship Verification System Based OnMid Level Features

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy, T.Theresa, "Kinship Verification System Based OnMid Level Features", Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology (Scopus Index) Volume 14, (Special Issue II),Pp.90-95(2017)

Year : 2017

System for multimodal biometric recognition based on finger knuckle and finger vein using feature-level fusion and k-support vector machine classifier

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy, Dr.L.RKarlmarx, "System for multimodal biometric recognition based on finger knuckle and finger vein using feature-level fusion and k-support vector machine classifier", IET- Biometrics (SCI-E index) ISSN 2047-4938 Volume 6, Issue 3, May 2017

Year : 2017

An Effective Finger Dorsal Pattern Biometric System using MBC and SIFT Schemes

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy, Dr.L.RKarlmarx, "An Effective Finger Dorsal Pattern Biometric System using MBC and SIFT Schemes", Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities Vol. 7, No. 1, January 2017, pp. 131-145. ISSN 2249-7315

Year : 2016

A Novel Randomized Cryptographic Technique

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy, S.Eben Gnana, Pradeep, "A Novel Randomized Cryptographic Technique", Advances in Natural and Applied Science, ISSN:1995-0772 EISSN:1998-1090 Page No: 187-193

Year : 2015

A Novel Approach For Glaucoma Disease Using Automated Classification Method

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy, M.Kirthikavathi, "A Novel Approach For Glaucoma Disease Using Automated Classification Method", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) (Scopus Index) Volume 10, Number 55 (2015) Special Issues

Year : 2015

A Novel Approach for Retinal Disease Diagnosis

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy, M.Mahendraselvi, "A Novel Approach for Retinal Disease Diagnosis" International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) (Scopus Index) Volume 10, Number 55 (2015) Special Issues

Year : 2015

An Intelligent Visual Tracking System Based on Adaptive Mean Shift Tracking Method

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy, P. Bhuvaneswari, "An Intelligent Visual Tracking System Based on Adaptive Mean Shift Tracking Method", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol. 4 Issue 04, April-2015

Year : 2015

A Novel Approach for Near-Lossless Multichannel EEG Signal Compression

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy, K.Dhenaka, "A Novel Approach for Near-Lossless Multichannel EEG Signal Compression" International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (Scopus Index), ISSN 0973-4562 Volume10, Number 9 (2015)

Year : 2015

Vision based gesturally controllable human computer interaction system IEEE Digital Lib

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy, Dr.L.R.Karlmarx, J.Jeyasudha, "Vision based gesturally controllable human computer interaction system IEEE Digital Lib", Smart Technologies and Management for Computing, Communication, Controls, Energy and Materials ICSTM, 2015, ISSN: 978-1-4799-9854-8

Year : 2015

Person authentication using hand based multimodal biometric system

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy,Dr.L.R.Karlmarx, Miss.T.Renitta, "Person authentication using hand based multimodal biometric system", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (Scopus Index) , ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 19 (2015)

Year : 2015

A Survey on Challenges and Design Constraints in Multimodal Biometric Systems

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy, Dr.L.R.Karlmarx, "A Survey on Challenges and Design Constraints in Multimodal Biometric Systems", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (Scopus Index), ISSN 0973-4562 Volume9, Number 24 (2015)

Year : 2014

Hand based multibiometric authentication using local feature extraction (IEEE Digital Library)

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy, Bhagya Bhaskar, "Hand based multibiometric authentication using local feature extraction (IEEE Digital Library)", Recent Trends in Information Technology (ICRTIT), 2014 ISSN: 14837255

Year : 2014

A Bridged energy utilization in wireless networks through efficient scheduling mechanism

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy, S.Priyamohana, "A Bridged energy utilization in wireless networks through efficient scheduling mechanism", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology ISSN:2278-1323, Vol-3 issue-4, April 2014, pp: 1441-1445.

Year : 2014

Performance analysis of Hierarchical face recognition

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy, T.Senthilkumar, "Performance analysis of Hierarchical face recognition", The International Journal of Science & Technology, ISSN:2321-919X, Vol-1

Year : 2014

A portable wireless ECG monitoring system using GSM Technique with real time detection of beat abnormalities

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy,M.karthikeyan, "A portable wireless ECG monitoring system using GSM Technique with real time detection of beat abnormalities",International Journal of Engineering Research(Indian Citation Index) ISSN online: 2319-6890
ISSN print:2347-5013, Vol-3,pp:108-111

Year : 2014

A Novel Approach on Satellite image restoration enhancement using object tagging OLHE

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy, S.Ayyapan, "A Novel Approach on Satellite image restoration enhancement using object tagging OLHE", The International Journal of Science & Technology, ISSN:2321-919X, Vol-1

Year : 2014

A Novel Approach for content based image retrieval using hybrid features

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy, G.Diju Daniel, "A Novel Approach for content based image retrieval using hybrid features", International Journal of Wireless Communication & Networking, ISSN:0975-7163, Vol-6,Jan-June 2014.

Year : 2013

FPGA Implementation of MB-OFDM Using Biorthogonal Encoder

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy, T.Palaniappan, "FPGA Implementation of MB-OFDM Using Biorthogonal Encoder", IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE), e-ISSN: 2278-2834,p- ISSN: 2278 8735. Volume 5, Issue 3 (Mar. - Apr. 2013), PP 07-14.

Year : 2013

Technical Review of Multimodal biometric Systems

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy, Dr.L.R. Karlmarx, "Technical Review of Multimodal biometric Systems",International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications (Scopus Index), Volume4, Issue 3, P.No 537-539. ISSN 2229-6093

Year : 2013

A New Approach of Image Registration for Biomedical Images using Saliency Information

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy,, S.Anitha "A New Approach of Image Registration for Biomedical Images using Saliency Information", International Science Congress Association Research Journal of Engineering Sciences, Manuscript no: ISCA-JEngs- 2013-014,
ISSN 2278-9472

Year : 2013

Security System Based On Iris Recognition

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy, S.SheebaJeya ,Sophia, "Security System Based On Iris Recognition International Science Congress Association", Research Journal of Engineering Sciences, Volume2(3),16-21, March 2013, ISSN 2278-9472

Year : 2013

JPEG-LS based Performance improvement on Biometric Authentication

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy, D.Balakrishnan, "JPEG-LS based Performance improvement on Biometric Authentication", International Journal for Scientific Engineering & Research Volume 4, Issue 3 March 2013, P.No. 04-10, ISSN 2229-5518

Conference Paper

Year : 2014

Hand gesture recognition system for real-time application

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy, Murugeswari.M, "Hand gesture recognition system for real-time application", Advanced Communication Control and Computing Technologies (ICACCCT), 2014 ISSN: 978-1-4799-3913-8

Publisher : IEEE

Year : 2013

Contactless Hand Based Multimodal Biometrics Identification System

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy, "Contactless Hand Based Multimodal Biometrics Identification System", International conference on “Computing, Communication & Advanced Network”, 114

Book Chapter

Year : 2022

Using Self Organizing Map Find the Heart Risk Based On Body Mass Index

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Veluchamy, Mr.A.Ponbharathi, "Using Self Organizing Map Find the Heart Risk Based On Body Mass Index Scopus Indexed book titled "Cognitive Computing for Internet of Medical Things" under CRC Press (Taylor & Francis) Publisher. ISBN: 978-81-955856-9-4


Year : 2019

PPG Signal -Based Biometric Recognition For Smart Watch Locking System

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy, L.R.Karlmarx, A.Muthukrishnan,A.Michael Mahesh, V.D.Ambethkumar, A.Ponbharathi,” PPG Signal -Based Biometric Recognition For Smart Watch Locking System”,2019,Indian Patent

Year : 2019

To Design Low Cost Prototype Model For Measuring Temperature And Pulse Rate During Postpartum

Cite this Research Publication : V.D.Ambethkumar, D.Hariharan, S.Sharmila, V.Sathyapriya, Venkatesan, S.Veluchamy&A.Muthukrishanan,” To Design Low Cost Prototype Model For Measuring Temperature And Pulse Rate During Postpartum”,2019, Indian Patent, Patent Number. 201941028596 A, 19.08.19

Academic Qualification
Ph.D. Faculty: Faculty of Information & Communication Engineering (Part-Time)
Thesis Title: Hand based Biometric system and its performance analysis in person Authentication
Master of Engineering Specialization: Communication Systems
Institution: Sri Sairam Engineering College.
Bachelor of Technology Specialization: Electronics and Communication Engineering
Institution: National College of Engineering
Higher Secondary Board: Tamilnadu State Board
Specialization: Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology
Institution: St.XaviersHr.Sec.School, Tirunelveli
High School Board: Tamilnadu Matriculation Board
Institution :St.XaviersHr.Sec.School, Tirunelveli
Academic Experience
Assistant Professor (Sl. Gr.) Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering – Chennai, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Chennai – 601103 Tamilnadu, India 12-10-2022 Present
­Assistant Professor Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering , Chennai 01-07-2021 12-09-2022
Associate Professor C.Abdul Hakeem College of Engineering, Melvisharam, Vellore 06-02-2019 30-11-2020
Teaching Fello Anna University Regional Campus, Madurai 28-09-2011 30-12-2017
Awards & Achievements
  1. Received Best Achiever Award for achieving 100% result in Advanced Digital image processing.
  2. Received Best Achiever Award for achieving 100% result in Advanced Digital Signal Processing.
  3. Received Best Achiever Award for achieving 100% result in Optical Networks.
  4. Received Certificate of Appreciation Award for Chess (singles) event during the Annual Sports Meet held on 27-28 Feb 2017.
  5. Received Best Achiever Award for achieving 100% result in Advanced Digital Signal Processing during the academic Year 2016-2017.
  6. Received Best Achiever Award for achieving 100% result in Advanced Satellite Based Systems during the academic Year 2016-2017.
  7. Received Best Researcher AWARD 2023 for publishing Research papers in Tier -1 Journals

Other Achievements

  1. Arranged Industrial Visits for M.E – COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS of 2011 – 2013 batch Students to ISRO, Thiruvanthapuram , and Veegaland, Kochi on 19-21 FEBURARY 2012.
  2. Arranged Industrial Visits for M.E – COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, VLSI DESIGN, POWER SYSTEM of 2014 – 2016 batch Students to High Power Transmitter, Kodaikanal on 24th March 2016.
  3. JURY – “Engineers Day Celebration” (15 September 2011).
  4. Organizing Member – “Science day” celebrations-Competitions for AUTM students.
  5. JURY – “Science  Day Celebration” (28th February 2013)
  6. Organizing Member – “World Space Day” Celebration by Association of Communication Engineering (11th October 2011).
  7. Coordinator – “National Science  Day ” Celebration by Association of EETA (26th February 2016)
  8. Class Advisor – M.E – COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS – II Semester (2012 -2014 Batch), M.E COMMUNICATION SYSTEM – PART TIME – IV Semester (2011 -2014 Batch) Students.
  10. Exam cell In charge for ECE Department
  11. One of the Internal auditing member in ECE Department
  12. Class Advisor & Project Co-coordinator for M.E Communication Systems (2016-2018 Batch)
  14. Time Table Co-ordinator for ECE Department
  15. Website Co-ordinator for ECE Department
  16. MOOC Co-ordinator
  17. NBA Criteria 5 &6 In charge for ECE Department.
Conference Publication
Sl. No. Authors Title Name of the Conference Vol. No., Issue, Page No.
1. S.Veluchamy M.Muthukumar Fuzzy based Image Forgery Localization using Blocking Artifacts International conference on “Computing & Communication Technology” 125
2. S.Veluchamy A.Praveen Kumar Performance Improved Deblurring using Motion Estimation International conference on “ Emerging Marvels in Information and Computer Science Engineering” IP046
3. S.Veluchamy D.Balakrishnan JPEG-LS based Performance improvement on Biometric Authentication International conference on “ Emerging Marvels in Information and Computer Science Engineering” IP045
4. S.Veluchamy Contactless Hand Based Multimodal Biometrics Identification System International conference on “ Computing , Communication & Advanced Network” I14
5. S.Veluchamy Security System Based On Viola Jones Detection International conference on “ Computing , Communication & Advanced Network” I105
6. S.Veluchamy A New Approach of Image registration for Biomedical image using Sailency Information International conference on “ Computing , Communication & Advanced Network” I106
7. S.Veluchamy M.Saravanan Motion and Feature based Person Tracking in Surveillance videos National conference on “Emerging Trends in Computer Engineering & Technology” 49
8 S.Veluchamy R.Kumar High Throughput and Lifetime of WSN International conference on “ Innovations in communication, Information & Computing ” 447
9 S.Veluchamy Dr.L.R Karlmarx Foreground Detection Scheme Using Patch Based Techniques For Heavily
Cluttered Video
16th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV2019) 301-307
10 S.Veluchamy Dr.L.R Karlmarx A.Ponbharathi Development of High Recognition FKP System using Fractional Cuckoo Search Optimization Method Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing, Communication & Networking Technologies (ICRTCCNT) 2019  
11. S.Veluchamy Gorantla, Snehitha Automated Crop Growth Monitoring and Optimizing the Yield with Reinforcement Learning 3rd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Networks and Wireless Communications, ICMNWC 2023 (Scopus)  
12 S.Veluchamy R.Saravanan Sign Language Classification With MediaPipe Hand Landmarks 2023 International Conference on Energy, Materials and Communication Engineering, ICEMCE 2023 (Scopus)  
Memberships of Professional Bodies
  1. Member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)
  2. Member of International Association of Engineers (IAENG)
  3. Member of Computer Science Teachers Association  (CSTA)
Subjects Handled
  • Biometrics & Security
  • Principle of Engineering
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Machine Learning
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Multimedia  processing
  • IoT
  • Embedded System
  • Communication theory
  • Digital communication Receiver
Admissions Apply Now