Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Circuits, systems and Signal processing, Springer
Source : Circuits, systems and Signal processing, Springer, Birkhauser Boston, Volume 34, Number 9, p.2749-2764 (2015)
Keywords : Adomian, Adomian Decomposition Method, Analog and mixed signals, Comparator architecture, Comparators (optical), computer aided design, Constrained optimization, Electric signal systems, Equation-based optimizations, Geometric programming, Geometry, Mathematical programming, MATLAB, Regeneration time, Signal systems, Total power dissipation
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Engineering
Department : Electronics and Communication
Year : 2015
Abstract : Comparators are the main components in several analog and mixed-signal systems. Design and synthesis of comparator architectures largely remain an analog designer’s art. In this work, we present a systematic methodology for designing comparators using the method of constrained optimization. Constrained optimization is an equation-based optimization method and requires accurate equations. We propose a new delay equation for latch-based comparators. The new delay model is based on Adomian decomposition method and gives more accurate delay characteristics compared with the conventional one. The architecture is optimized for total power dissipation with speed, area and noise as the constraints. Geometric programming-based automation algorithm and the behavioral model of the comparator architecture are written in MATLAB. The optimized schematic is drawn in Cadence 180nbsp;nm technology, and the results are verified with MATLAB. © 2015, Springer Science+Business Media New York.
Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Purushothaman A. and Parikh, C. D., “A New Delay Model and Geometric Programming-Based Design Automation for Latched Comparators”, Circuits, systems and Signal processing, Springer, vol. 34, pp. 2749-2764, 2015