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A deep survey on types of cyber-attacks in VANET

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : Journal of Critical Review, 8(01), 1029-1039

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Campus : Chennai

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electronics and Communication

Year : 2021

Abstract : Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) are used to provide inter vehicular communication. VANET uses wireless mode for communication between vehicles so there is a lot of possibilities to get interrupted or attacked by hackers since each message which are transmitted are broadcasted messages in VANET communication. Therefore, a secure and confidential transmission of messages plays a major challenge in VANET. This paper focuses on VANET Architecture, Security mechanism and various types of attacks and challenges faced in communication. By using the proposed survey, a detailed explanation of various attacks and security challenges are discussed in this paper.

Cite this Research Publication : 7. Gayathri, M., & Gomathy, C. (2021). A deep survey on types of cyber-attacks in VANET. Journal of Critical Review, 8(01), 1029-1039

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