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Deep learning – An overview

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : International Journal of Applied Engineering , Research India Publications

Source : International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Research India Publications, Volume 10, Number 10, p.25433-25448 (2015)

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Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science

Year : 2015

Abstract : Deep Learning is a new and emerging field in Machine Learning, developed to model higher level abstraction in data. The goal of Deep Learning is to move towards Artificial Intelligence.It provides semi-supervised or unsupervised feature learning algorithms and hierarchical feature extraction, in place of the traditional handcrafted features. This survey paper is intended to provide an overall understanding of the basic concepts of Deep Learning, by providing answers to the following questions: What is Deep Learning? What is the importance of Deep Learning? How can Deep Learning improve Machine Learning? What are the different types of Deep Learning Architectures used? What tools are used for its implementation? What are its applications? How is it suitable for Big Data Analysis? What are the challenges it faces? © Research India Publications.

Cite this Research Publication : R. Ramachandran, Rajeev, D. C., Krishnan, S. G., and Subathra P., “Deep learning – An overview”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol. 10, pp. 25433-25448, 2015.

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