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An Unusual Presentation of Filariasis as Pyrexia of Unknown Origin

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Amrita Journal of Medicine

Source : Amrita Journal of Medicine, 2022 Jul 1;18(3):100.

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Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Department : Gastroenterology

Year : 2022

Abstract : Filariasis is a common, yet neglected tropical disease and has a wide spectrum of clinical presentations. It is particularly endemic in certain regions of India. We report this case due to the rare isolation of Microfilariae from the bone marrow aspirate preparation. Here, we report a patient with a history of pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO). The relevant investigations done failed to identify the causative organism. After ruling out routine causes of fever, bone marrow analysis was done and it revealed Microfilariae in the aspirate. The surprising aspect of the case is the absence of eosinophilia in the complete blood picture. The patient was treated with anthelmintics and the fever subsided within 48 h. This case emphasizes the importance of bone marrow study in patients with PUO and the presence of microfilaria in the absence of eosinophilia.

Cite this Research Publication : Hakeem SC, Valsan A, Srivatsa N, Shrutiraaj KA, Khajuria SP, Mohan NK, Kohli K., "An unusual presentation of filariasis as pyrexia of unknown origin: Case report," Amrita Journal of Medicine, 2022 Jul 1;18(3):100.

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