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Warfarin related acute kidney injury: A case report

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Indian Journal of Nephrology

Source : Indian Journal of Nephrology, 2017;27:78-80. DOI: 10.4103/0971-4065.177142

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Keywords : Acute kidney injury, anticoagulant-related nephropathy, warfarin, warfarin-related nephropathy

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Department : Gastroenterology

Year : 2017

Abstract : Warfarin is an oral anticoagulant used extensively in clinical practice; However, its side-effect of causing renal damage has been recently detected. The mechanism leading to renal damage is glomerular hemorrhage and red blood cell tubular casts prothrombin time. Recently, it was found that warfarin causes renal damage in patients with chronic kidney disease and is also associated with progression of renal disease. Warfarin causing acute kidney injury in patients with normal renal function is a rare manifestation. It is important to be aware of this condition as its innocuous presence can lead to chronic kidney disease if not corrected in time. Further studies have also found that novel oral anticoagulants such as dabigatran also cause a similar syndrome and hence a new term called anticoagulant-related nephropathy is now in vogue.

Cite this Research Publication : Mendonca S, Gupta D, Valsan A, Tewari R., "Warfarin related acute kidney injury: A case report," Indian Journal of Nephrology, 2017;27:78-80. DOI: 10.4103/0971-4065.177142

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