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Dapsone-induced methemoglobinemia: Two cases and a short review

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Journal of Applied Hematology

Source : Journal of Applied Hematology 9(1):p 29-32, Jan–Mar 2018. | DOI: 10.4103/joah.joah_26_17

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Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Department : Gastroenterology

Year : 2018

Abstract : Dapsone is a cheap and widely used drug in many diseases. It can rarely cause dose-independent methemoglobinemia. The key to managing such cases is strong clinical suspicion and prompt discontinuation of the drug. Effective antidote is methylene blue which can rapidly reverse effects in seriously ill patients. Here, we present two such cases that we came across who were managed differently and successfully at our center.

Cite this Research Publication : Valsan A, Sharma S, Mathew R, Chengappa A., "Dapsone-induced methemoglobinemia: Two cases and a short review," Journal of Applied Hematology, 9(1):p 29-32, Jan–Mar 2018. | DOI: 10.4103/joah.joah_26_17

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