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Sensitivity Analysis of Flux Cored Arc Welding Process Variables in Super Duplex Stainless Steel Claddings

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Elsevier

Source : Procedia Engineering, vol. 64, pp 1030 -1039, 2013

Url :

Campus : Nagercoil

School : School of Computing

Year : 2013

Abstract : Weld surfacing with super duplex grade stainless steel found to improve corrosion resistance and functional life of the mild steel components used in the process industries. The properties of the deposited layer were influenced by the process variables that affect the heat input to the process. The influence exerted by the process variables on the responses of super duplex stainless steel claddings were modeled using the response surface models. The response surface models developed by the regression techniques using the data collected from central composite rotatable design of experiments. The data extracted from 32 single bead on the plate welds were deposited by flux cored arc welding process. The developed models can be used to predict and simulate the influence of the process variables on the responses. The insignificant variables found in the full models were removed by the backward elimination technique. Sensitivity analysis performed on the reduced models helps to identify and rank the process variables based on their extent of influence on the responses. Then the ranked variables are closely regulated to tailor the properties of the surfaced layer.

Cite this Research Publication : Senthilkumar, B., and Kannan, T., “Sensitivity Analysis of Flux Cored Arc Welding Process Variables in Super Duplex Stainless Steel Claddings”, Procedia Engineering, vol. 64, pp 1030 -1039, 2013

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