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Optimization of Weld Bead Geometry for Stainless Steel Cladding Deposited by GMAW

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Research India Publication

Source : American Journal of Engineering Research, vol. 2, no. 5, pp 178 - 187, 2013

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Campus : Nagercoil

School : School of Computing

Year : 2013

Abstract : The cladded components quality always depends on clad bead geometry and coefficient of shape of welds and dilution. In order to obtain better quality, good corrosion resistant properties and to reduce manufacturing costs the bead parameters must be optimized. The above objectives can be achieved by developing mathematical equations to predict bead geometry. This paper presents central composite rotatable design with full replication technique was used to obtain four critical dimensions of bead geometry. The developed models have been checked for adequacy and significance. The experiments were conducted by depositing Type ER-308L stainless steel wire on to IS-2062 structural steel plates. The results of confirmation experiments showed that the developed models can be able to predict bead geometry with reasonable accuracy. This study proved that both direct and interaction effect plays a major role in determining bead dimensions and dilution. The process parameters were optimized using response surface methodology (RSM).

Cite this Research Publication : Sreeraj, P., Kannan, T., and Subhasis Maji, “Optimization of Weld Bead Geometry for Stainless Steel Cladding Deposited by GMAW”, American Journal of Engineering Research, vol. 2, no. 5, pp 178 - 187, 2013

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