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Regional Atmospheric Radiation and Meteorological parameters in presence of Aerosol from CERES and MODIS: A Case Study of Observational Satellite Remote Sensing

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Source : 1st International Conference on Advances in Smart Sensor, Signal Processing and Communication Technology, ICASSCT 2021

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Arts and Sciences, School of Physical Sciences

Department : Physics

Verified : No

Year : 2021

Abstract : This study focuses on the satellite observations from space-borne sensors and their usefulness in understanding atmospheric radiative changes in the presence of aerosol in a regional climate system. For this analysis, four years 2014–2017 of aerosol and flux products along with other meteorological parameters are used which are obtained from satellite remote sensing products. The radiative flux products available from Cloud and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System CERES along with the products pertaining to atmosphere thermodynamics available from Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer MODIS are included in this study. This study is an attempt to understand the possible effects of the presence of aerosol in perturbing the seasonal atmospheric dynamics and radiation budget, based on space borne observation systems. This study is aimed at atmospheric changes over Delhi, India, under different aerosol loading conditions. Significant changes have been observed in the atmospheric meteorological parameters and simultaneous modulation in radiation fluxes are perceived with the aerosol variation for 3 different seasons. The relationship between thermodynamic environment and its sensitivity in presence of aerosol has put forth a vital area for further studies. This analysis draws insight towards a merged hypothesis for the simultaneous roles of thermodynamics and aerosols in influencing the atmosphere dynamics and radiative effect modifying the energy budget and atmospheric processes on a local scale as well as a utility of space borne remote sensing in analysing environmental aspects.

Cite this Research Publication : Athira S., Pillai S., Satapathy J. Regional Atmospheric Radiation and Meteorological parameters in presence of Aerosol from CERES and MODIS: A Case Study of Observational Satellite Remote Sensing 2021 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1921 1 10.1088/1742-6596/1921/1/012109 IOP Publishing Ltd 1st International Conference on Advances in Smart Sensor, Signal Processing and Communication Technology, ICASSCT 2021 19 March 2021 through 20 March 2021 17426588

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