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Optical bandgap and width of Urbach tail of lithium doped zinc oxide films deposited by SILAR method

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Source : National Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Materials, NCPCM 2020

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Arts and Sciences, School of Physical Sciences

Department : Physics

Year : 2020

Abstract : Undoped and Lithium (Li) doped Zinc Oxide (ZnO)films were prepared by Successive Ionic Layer Adsorption and Reaction (SILAR) technique using 0.1M Zinc Sulphate with Ammonia as the cationic solution. Doping is done at different atomic weight percentage (atm. wt%) 5, 10 and 15 by adding Lithium Chloride to the cationic solution. The samples were annealed at 500°C for one hour after deposition. The UV-Visible Transmittance and Absorbance of the samples were recorded from 250nm to 900nm. The reflectance data of the samples were estimated and the plot of reflectance suggested that the quality of the films is good except for Li:ZnO film at 5atm.wt%. The Optical constants ‘n’ and ‘k’ were calculated for different incident wavelengths on the samples. The variation of optical constants with incident wavelengths suggested that the Li: ZnO sample at 5atm.wt% has relatively high values when compared to other samples. The Urbach energy (Ee) or width of band tail is calculated from the (lnα-hν) plot and the Optical bandgap energy of the samples were calculated fron the (αhν)² − hν plot. The bandgap energy was observed to be high for the undoped samples and decreases to normal value for 5atm.wt% sample. The bandgap energy again increases with doping concentration. The Urbach energy is found to be increasing with increase in doping concentration. These variations could be explained using the amorphous-crystalline nature and defect related effects in the samples due to doping.

Cite this Research Publication : Vamadevan R., Kumar V.R., Saji J. Optical bandgap and width of Urbach tail of lithium doped zinc oxide films deposited by SILAR method 2021 AIP Conference Proceedings 2369 10.1063/5.0061016 American Institute of Physics Inc. 2020 National Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Materials, NCPCM 2020 14 December 2020 through 16 December 2020 0094243X

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